6.3 Giving Feedback (Continued)
  1. Your feedback thus serves as a supportive, nonthreatening way to motivate the employee to improve, not a harsh criticism that triggers defensiveness. By speaking in a gentle tone and expressing your confidence in the employee's ability to learn and grow as a result of this behavior, you reassure the individual that you expect better results in the future. And if you get in the habit of praising employees, then they'll know that you see the good as well as the bad.
  1. Speaking of praise, make it specific as well. Saying "Nice work" isn't enough. Identify exactly what the worker did right. Example: "Nice work in handling that customer's objections and remaining calm when he grew testy. I especially liked how you let him blow off steam without trying to interrupt."
  1. By citing the precise behavior that you admire, you improve the meaning of your praise and increase the employee's willingness to continue doing that in the future. You remove any ambiguity about what constitutes superior performance.

  1. Warning: Words such as �disappointing,� �inconsistent� or �poor� do not describe a person's behavior, so avoid using them when giving feedback. Instead, cite observable or verifiable evidence without adding your interpretation or characterizing a worker's motives.
  1. THE EAP CAN HELP: Some supervisors have difficulty giving feedback because it is not a familiar or practiced skill. The EAP can help you feel more comfortable giving feedback to your employees.
It's True!
It's True!
Only one-half of the oft-repeated advice-praise in public and criticize in private-is true. Yes, you should only deliver negative feedback one-on-one where no one can overhear. But don't necessarily assume it's always best to praise an employee in front of his or her peers. Some people react with embarrassment when they are singled out for stellar work. They may fear that their coworkers will become jealous or ostracize them. Get to know your employees and tailor your praise to fit their personalities. Weigh whether to give glowing feedback in public or private.
Use clear, straightforward language when giving feedback, especially in terms of your pronouns. Describe an employee's behavior by saying, �I'd like to make you aware of something I noticed,� or �I want to give you some input on your performance as it relates to�� Avoid using �we� (as in �We have a problem� or �We need to work on your poor performance��).