What is the Student Assistance Program (SAP)?
This service provides students with an evaluation, brief counseling, and referral services for a variety of problems. Early detection and assistance often can prevent small problems from becoming serious problems. The SAP offers personal, confidential assistance for a wide range of concerns including:
- Stress, depression, and other emotional health issues
- Relationship concerns (romantic, roommate, family and friends)
- Alcohol or drug use or misuse
- Food and body image concerns
- Parenting challenges
- Sexual identity
- College adjustment issues
- Personal trauma
- Academic performance concerns, test anxiety
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Balancing college, work, and home
- Financial or legal concerns
- Other matters that are having a stressful impact on your life
How does the Student Assistance Program work?
To schedule an appointment, students should call New Directions at 419-529-9941 or 888-805-1561. Our website is www.newdirectionsforlife.com. How are the financial and legal consultations provided? You can receive assistance with budgeting and money management over the phone or online. You can speak to an attorney in person or over the phone for a 30-minute consultation. How much does the service cost? There is no cost to students for this service. It is provided to help students stay on track and achieve success.
Is the service really confidential?
All contact with the SAP is personal and private. Information cannot be shared with anyone without a voluntary written release. Exceptions to confidentiality, as required by law, occur when a person is a danger to themselves or others or cases involving child or elder abuse.
How does someone know if he or she needs to use the service?
- You spend most of the day worrying about a particular problem.
- You spend a lot of energy denying a problem.
- Your education, health, or family life is affected by a specific problem.
- You find yourself relying on drugs or alcohol to get through the day.
- You realize you have a problem, but do not know where to go for help.
- You feel sad, anxious or unhappy most of the time.
- You feel that some aspects of your life are unmanageable.
- You have experienced changes in your sleep or appetite.
Your school performance provides other clues about seeking assistance. You may consider asking for help if you:
- Have trouble concentrating
- Experience a decline in academic performance
- Miss deadlines
- Often miss classes
You may also use the service to prevent a situation from becoming a problem. You may want to:
- Gather information about mental health or relationship matters
- Get a mental health “tune-up”
- Obtain information out of concern for another person
What wellness and life balance services are available?
On the New Directions website, you can take confidential screenings for mental health and alcohol problems. Through the SAP’s “Ask a Counselor” service, you can have questions answered via email. New Directions also periodically provides wellness seminars on campus and online. Topics include stress management, life balance, goal setting, life coaching, and more.
How can I get more information?
Call us at 419-529-9941 or 888-805-1561 to ask any questions.

1575 Marion Ave.
Mansfield, OH 44906
419-529-9941 or