What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
The EAP provides confidential counseling for employees and family members who are experiencing personal problems which may be affecting their quality of life or their ability to perform on the job. The program offers assessment, short-term counseling, referral and follow-up for persons confronted with family and marital problems, alcohol or drug abuse, problems in the workplace, stress, depression, and other emotional and life challenges. Additional EAP services include wellness seminars and training for employees and supervisors on topics such as managing stress, balancing the demands of work and home, and improving communication skills. The EAP also provides crisis response counseling in the case of a natural disaster or a traumatic workplace event. Finally, the EAP provides management consultations for supervisors about ways to handle troubled workers or special workplace challenges.
For what kinds of problems can the EAP provide help?
The EAP offers information and other preventive services, assessment and short-term counseling for a wide range of problems, including, but not limited to:
- Problems in the workplace
- Stress, anger, anxiety, and depression
- Alcoholism or alcohol use
- Drug abuse (legal or illegal)
- Marital and family issues
- Grief or coping with a chronic illness
- Parenting and caregiving concerns
How does it work?
Call New Directions at 419-529-9941 or 1-888-805-1561 when you have a personal concern and request an appointment with one of our professional counselors. You can also communicate via email using our Ask-A-Counselor service. Your supervisor may also recommend that you make use of the EAP services when personal problems interfere with job performance. The first step for an individual is to be heard. An EAP counselor will listen, help you sort out issues, feelings, and goals, and encourage you to make some decisions to begin working toward a solution. Sometimes one or two visits will result in significant changes. In other cases, a long-term intervention is indicated and a referral to the appropriate resource will be made.
Who will know I used the program?
No one will know unless you request and authorize us to release this information. Our services maintain the confidentially of all participants.
How much will it cost?
There is no charge to you for our assistance. If a referral is necessary for ongoing counseling, hospitalization, or the resolution of other problems, the cost of these services will become your responsibility. Health insurance plans will typically cover a portion of such charges.
How can I tell if the EAP program is appropriate for me?
How you feel is the best indicator that a problem exists. Generally, you may consider asking for help if you:
- Feel preoccupied with a problem
- Fail repeatedly to solve the problem on your own
- Spend a lot of energy denying a problem
- Feel sad, anxious, or unhappy most of the time
- Experience frequent mood swings
- Experience insomnia or sleep more than usual
- Experience loss of appetite or over-eating
- Feel that some aspects of your life are unmanageable
Your job performance provides other clues about seeking assistance. You may consider asking for help if you:
- Have trouble concentrating
- Are often absent
- Miss deadlines
- Have frequent accidents
- Make many mistakes
- Avoid co-workers
You may also use the EAP service to prevent a situation from becoming a problem. You may want to:
- Gather information about mental health or relationship matters
- Get a mental health wellness “tune-up”
- Obtain information out of concern for another person.
How is EAP counseling
different from traditional outpatient therapy?
The EAP provides short term, solution focused counseling for work-related and personal issues that may affect your wellbeing and work performance. The primary goal is to provide immediate support during a crisis or challenging situation. Your EAP counselor may refer you to outpatient therapy if you are dealing with complex or chronic mental health issues that require more extensive and ongoing treatment.
What are the hours of service?
We make every attempt to schedule appointments during convenient times. This includes evening and weekend hours. The EAP also provides a 24-hour emergency response service for problems requiring immediate attention.
How do I get more information?
Call 419-529-9941 or 1-888-805-1561 to ask any questions.
The EAP provides short
term, solution focused counseling for work-related and personal issues that may
affect your wellbeing and work performance. The primary goal is to provide
immediate support during a crisis or challenging situation. Your EAP counselor
may refer you to outpatient therapy if you are dealing with complex or chronic
mental health issues that require more extensive and ongoing treatment

1575 Marion Ave.
Mansfield, OH 44906
419-529-9941 or